
Stacey Moore

Snuffing Out Secondhand Smoke

U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona announced that no level of secondhand smoke is safe Tiffany and Co Eternal Circle Earrings and Necklace Set hot sale, and emphasized the's going to for continued education in regards to the serious fitnessrisks posed by secondhand smoke.

a brand spanking new public service campaign might help. However, versus employingshocking images and alarming statistics to attract attention to the dangers of secondhand smoke, it uses humor.

"Daddy's gas maykill us all!" exclaims a young womanin one of the utmostpublic service spots developed for the yank Legacy Foundation? and the Ad Council. Entitled Don't Pass Gas, the campaign seeks to capture people's attention in regards to the professionalspectively fatal dangers of secondhand smoke by employingan unorthodox method to inspire viewers to laugh and learn.

most of the people service announcements (PSAs) include the talents of first-time commercial director and Emmy-nominated actor Jason Alexander. Through televisionand radio PSAs along with netads, the campaign will teachAmericans-especially parents-in regards to the dangers of secondhand smoke Tiffany & Co elsa peretti eternal circle charm and chain gold on sale, and encourage them to create smoke-free environments for their families and other members of the family, young and old. Audiences will remember Alexander since the nature George Costanza from the most well liked televisiondisplay"Seinfeld."

inside the usa Exquisite design Tiffany & Co 1837 pendant best sale, one out of eachfive youngsterswho has a smoking pahireis exposed to secondhand smoke at home. These youngstersare at increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), lung infections, ear infections and severe asthma.

"We're confident that our partnership with the Ad Council will attract most of the people's attention and lead them to make suredecisions for their families," foundation President and CEO Cheryl Healton, Dr.P.H., said. "We recognize howchronicfully addictive smoking is and the best way difficultit is to quit. Many smokers lack the tools and resources to do so effectively. We encourage smokers to get the assistancethey would like to quit and sourcecoursesto assistancethem do so. This campaign asks smokers that are proceedingto struggle with their addiction to degentlebear in mind of protecting their families and other members of the family from the devastating effects of secondhand smoke and not smoke around folks-especially their children."

the two spots, "Dinner" and "Movie," take care of family members or friends wanting to step away to "pass gas." The audience learns that the "gas" being referenced is actually secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke is a mixture of gases and really sminterested ingedmaterials; thus the irrevehireplay on words. Don't Pass Gas is the fundamentalnational, multimedia campaign so that you can adclothethe'ssue of secondhand smoke.

Cigarette smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals Fashion Tiffany and Co notes cuff best sale, including several known human carcinogens. In 2004 Authentic Tiffany & Co paloma's links necklace online store, Legacy released knowledgeshowing small reduction in tobacco smoke exposure would spare thousands of childrenfrom serious illnesses, including fewer low-birth-weight babies, fewer cases of asthma and not more ear infections.

the most efficient action parents can take to shieldtheir families from secondhand smoke is to make their housesand cars smoke-free and to save lots of yousmoking around children.

By: Stacey Moore


